Publications and Art Out!

Whew March came up fast on me

I managed to actually get interviewed by Voyage Tampa for my artwork as one of their inspiring stories which really surprised me. I feel as if I don’t deserve it because I am so relatively unknown in the St Petersburg Area. Or at least it feels that way to me. 

I often feel isolated maybe because I am rarely part of the greater artist groups and social circles, but most of my time is kept up with creating artwork, house work and my day job.But I have been trying my best to go to more shows. Sometimes though, I feel like it is not enough. So to have Voyage Tampa reach out to me, was quite a shock. I honestly questioned them about it and had to do research on the company to makesureI wasn’t getting scammed but sure enough, Voyage Tampais a legit company that has interviewed other artists that I look up to such as Chad Mize, Derrick Donnely and Jennifer Kosharek. 

My coworker Sarah Lynch helped take photos for my interview and it was a blast and I left it up to my peers to vote on the best picture to submit. We went with the image of me holding a palm frond on a yellow background because my pink hair was meshing too much with the other, more pink and red backgrounds of the other photos. 

If you want to read the article, it can be found here

Then that following week, I had two pieces of art accepted into Gulfport’s Show Us Your Pet art show. I made a new work called Radar, The Space Case, and then my Pixel, Queen of Mess got accepted into the show as well. I was not able to attend the opening night because I wanted to visit another show at the House of Shadow’s Angels, Demons, Mermaids and Other Creatures show by Apatx. 

I met this artist, well rather re-met him at The House of Shadows Art Gallery’s Sweet Death show. I had work in the show (Death and the Maiden and How I want to be Buried) and he was a fan of my work. Turns out we had met before a couple of times and kept crossing paths. He used to have art in Wandering Eye Gallery some years ago before it shut down. So I wanted to show my support for him. Like me, he hides a lot of symbolism in his paintings. He is an amazing artist and I highly recommend people check him out. Unfortunately he does not seem to have a social media presence at all. 

 The following weekend, I found out that Pixel, Queen of Mess had wound up on the front page of The Gabber’s for advertising the show “Show Us Your Pet” and I had no clue! Until Sarah and Todd looped me in on the article. I got really excited, because this just kind of feels like maybe I am doing the right things now. 

The next shows that I have been preparing for are showing up for the St Pete Awakening two day art fair on March 11, and 12th, The House of Shadow’s Explicit V, and I may see what I can do about Gulfport’s Art Out.

Art Out is a month-long show featuring LGBTQ+ artists and their allies on LGBTQ+ themes and is held by Gulfport’s LGBTQ+ resource center that was started in the 1980’s. They are committed to promoting understanding, and awareness of the diversity of experiences and contributions of people that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and more! They are the only center of its kind in a public library in the state of Florida.

So very soon they are looking for submissions to the show and I would love to see what I could possibly make for the show or even yelp get the word out. 


Krampus Art At St Peter Factory Artesianal Exchange Holiday Market